Saturday, March 12, 2011


Japan tsunami NHK TV

Pole Shift

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- Japan was struck by its strongest earthquake in at least a century, an 8.9-magnitude temblor that shook buildings across Tokyo and unleashed a tsunami as high as 10 meters, engulfing towns along the northern coast. At least 26 people were killed by the 33-foot wave and many are missing, according to state broadcaster NHK Television. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Women's day

Equal Esteem for Heaven and Earth
"The Early Heaven is the time of Heaven-Earth Stagnation, but the Later Heaven is the time of Earth-Heaven Circulation. During the Early Heaven, heaven has been highly revered and earth has not, for people have been unaware of the grandeur of earth's virtue.

The Deep Grief of Women
"The Early Heaven is the world of oppressed yin and revered yang. The bitterness and grief of women fills heaven and earth, impeding heaven and earth's natural course; consequently, colossal catastrophes threaten to burst forth and ultimately destroy the human world. If the bitterness and grief of women is not resolved, even the emergence of a preeminent person graced with both a divine nature and scholarly and military virtues will not suffice to deliver the world."

Establishing a World of Equal Yin and Yang
"Now is the age of the resolution of bitterness and grief. Women have been utterly subjugated and treated as no more than servants and objects of men's pleasure for thousands of years, but I shall relieve the bitterness of women to renew heaven and earth in consonance with the law of equal yin and yang. I shall recraft propriety between men and women to prevent men from acting arbitrarily without considering the counsel of women."

The Age of Equality Between Woman and Men
"The clicking of women turning prayer beads in their desire to participate in the grand endeavors of the world resounds throughout the nine heavens. These women yearn for a heaven and earth dominated by women. This will not come to pass, but I shall instead usher in an age of equality between women and men. When entrusting My work to people, I employ men and women shall be heroic men and heroic women."

Women Esteemed in Faith and Reverence
"Since ancient times, people have rarely revered and worshiped women, but women will henceforth be esteemed according to their accomplishments, and people shall follow them-so much so that gold emblems and statues will be forged to express solemn reverence for such women."

~JSD Dojeon 2:36, 33, 4:44~

What was the fundamental reason for all the sufferings of females in our history?
What is the main solution which can finish all the gender discriminations?
In a grand scale, the principle of universe will be changed from male dominated period to era of equality between male and female. The spirit of time has been changing many things through our 100 years. Soon, we will see ultimate revolution of this civilization. 

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Heaven-Earth Stagnation. (天地否)
Twelfith of the sixty-four hexagrams of I-Ching. It is a symbol of disharmony between yin(earth) and yang(heaven). This is hexagram signifies the present world's sanggeuk("mutual conflict" or mutual restraint"). 

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Earth-Heaven Circulation.(地天泰)
The eleventh I-Ching hexagram. This haxagram represents harmony and stability in the coming world.  German scholar Richard Wilhelm calls this hexagram "Peace."

Our individual human lives are mainly influenced by social environments, these social environments are mostly affected by terrestrial (earthly) energy (Space; local area), these local terrestrial conditions are significantly interconnected with celestial (heavenly) movements (Time).

Try to see the grand scale of universal system, and find the main reason of our lives and all human problems and the general trends of our human history.

Principle of Universe(Law of time) --> 
Principle of Earth(Law of space) --> 
Social environment (Local cultures: people's mind) --> 
Induvidual life

WE are living in the verge of transition period between old negative Heaven and new positive Heaven. Soon, everything will be changed due to the change of time, space, and humanity by the will of God.