Thursday, May 26, 2011


* 상제관, 우주론, 수행론

1. 증산도란?
증산상제님의 가르침

2. 강증산상제님은?
우주의 주제자, 인간의 몸으로 지상강세

3. 왜 지상에 인간의 몸으로 강세하셨나?
우주의 가을개벽기에 인류의 진멸을 막기위해

4. 그분이 하신일은 무엇인가?
인류를 살리기위한 천지공사

5. 인간이 살아남는 방법은 무엇인가?
원시반본, 태을주

1. What is Jeung San Do?
Jeung San Do (“Dao of Jeung-san”) is the teachings of Jeung-san Sangjenim or the organization that spreads His teachings throughout the world.

2. Who is Jeung San Sangjenim?
Jeung-san Sangjenim (1871-1909) was the mortal incarnation of God the Ruler, the same supreme being worshipped in Christianity as God the father, in Buddhism as Maitreya Buddha, and in Daoism and Confucianism as Sangje or Okhwang-Sangje (“Jade Emperor of Heaven”). During His mortal lifetime in Korea, Jeung-san Sangjenim left behind a body of teachings that has inspired millions.

3. Why was he incarnated into this human world?
Sangjenim incarnated on earth as the mortal man Gang Jeung-san for the purposes of: curing a monstrous disease caused by the strife that had afflicted both heaven and earth; delivering humanity through the coming epoch of cosmic transition known as gaebyeok (“renewal” or “a new beginning”); guiding humankind in building the ensuing Paradise of Immortality.

4. What did he do in his life time?
Sangjenim undertook these three illustrious aims-the healing of the diseased world, the providing of the means of surviving gaebyeok, the founding of the Paradise of mmortality-through a grand holy labor: Cheonjigongsa (“the working of renewing heaven and earth”). Sangjenim incarnated into this world to lay the roundwork for humanity’s safe passage through the coming tribulations of the Autumn Gaebyeok so that we could not only survive, but also subsequently raise up the Paradise of Immortality.

5. What's the means of surviving the autumn gaebyeok?
Sangjenim Himself brought the Taeeulju Mantra to completion, combining all energies of life and healing into the Taeeulju Mantra to make it the ultimate medicine, able to heal the mind, body, and spirit. The Taeeulju Mantra, employed via uitong, will constitute the only dao of deliverance for humanity at the time of the Autumn Gaebyeok’s mysterious disease.

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